CPSP, For 25 Years, a Community Characterized by a Pioneering Spirit of Service-- By George Hankins-Hull
Folks like Bill Carr, a founding member and CPSP’s first treasurer was one whose signature attested to the business of CPSP in the required filings for the state of Virginia, together with Raymond Lawrence, the General Secretary. As a treasurer of CPSP, Bill meticulously attended to the finances of the organization and the disbursement of its funds.
In a similar way, CPSP is served by Charles Kirby, our current treasurer to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude for his dedication and unassuming service on behalf of the CPSP Community. Like Bill Carr once did, Charles oversees the disbursements of funds and signs the necessary corporate filings, together with Raymond Lawrence, the General Secretary. Neither Bill Carr, nor Charles Kirby nor countless others ever received any compensation for their many years of service to CPSP. Without such generosity of commitment CPSP could not exist.
Affirming the thorough work of Charles Kirby was the recent outside audit performed by the firm of Carl Shaw, CPA, Hendersonville, North Carolina, specializing in audit services for not-for-profit organizations, whose recent audit found that CPSP’s financial matters are in good standing.
Similarly, CPSP members owe a great debt to former CPSP Diplomate, Ben Bogia, who died November 19, 2009. Ben pioneered the way for a CPSP web presence at CPSP.ORG in the early days of the web. Ben also served as the Secretary to the Governing Council, and was one of the earliest Clinical Pastoral Supervisors to throw his lot in with CPSP in the early 90’s. Building on Ben’s work and expanding the web presence of CPSP is Perry Miller, who was also a founding member of CPSP. Perry, a Diplomate in Clinical Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, serves as the Editor of Pastoral Report www.pastoralreport.com . Through the dedication of these two men, CPSP has had a continuous presence on the web for over two decades, and, also, as is usual for CPSP, have received no compensation for their long hours of work. Such dedication characterizes who we are in CPSP.
Perry Miller, founding member and CPSP Editor of Pastoral Report, together, with such people as Bill Carr, founding member and former treasurer, Don Gum, a founding member who died October 9, 2002, and served as President of CPSP from 1996 - 1998, Francine Angel, CPSP President, 2008 - 2010, George Hankins Hull, CPSP Associate General Secretary 2009 – 2013, Charles Kirby, Treasurer, 2004 – Current, with Raymond Lawrence, founding member and CPSP General Secretary, over the course of twenty five years, have signed the necessary annual corporate filings that complied with Virginia law to do the business of CPSP.
In the twenty five years of the existence of CPSP, there have been no changes either to the corporate structure of CPSP or to the manner in which the corporate documents have been signed by CPSP members, or to the documents themselves which are filed in the State of Virginia. All those who signed these corporate documents did so in the spirit of unselfish service and with integrity, and have received no compensation for their work. Our Virginia corporate attorney, who formed the incorporation of CPSP, annually files the necessary documents, prepared by him, with the Secretary of State of Virginia. These are the exact documents that have been filed since the inception of CPSP, and signed in the usual manner.
In the twenty five years of the existence of CPSP, there have been no changes either to the corporate structure of CPSP or to the manner in which the corporate documents have been signed by CPSP members, or to the documents themselves which are filed in the State of Virginia. All those who signed these corporate documents did so in the spirit of unselfish service and with integrity, and have received no compensation for their work. Our Virginia corporate attorney, who formed the incorporation of CPSP, annually files the necessary documents, prepared by him, with the Secretary of State of Virginia. These are the exact documents that have been filed since the inception of CPSP, and signed in the usual manner.
We can have great assurance that the record keeping for CPSP is directed and overseen by the legal team of Charles Hicks, Attorney at Law, Little Rock, Arkansas, specializing in Administrative and Health Care Law, working in concert with a well-respected and experienced attorney in Roanoke, Virginia, who specializes in Corporate Law.
As we move forward into our next phase of governance, all is well with our corporate body, as we rely upon a dedicated, courageous and caring membership to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.
As we move forward into our next phase of governance, all is well with our corporate body, as we rely upon a dedicated, courageous and caring membership to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead.