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Ethics And Theology in Conversation

Mid-South Fall Pastoral Care Institute
October 30-31, 2008
Little Rock, Arkansas

Gather this Fall in Little Rock with chaplains, pastoral counselors, pastoral psychotherapists, and pastoral care givers from across the South for this educational event, beginning at Noon Thursday October 30th with workshops followed by a dinner and speaker that evening. The Institute continues with a day of educational seminars on Friday. Mark your calendars.

More information coming soon!


Thursday evening, October 30

James D. Hester, Ph. D. ,is the Crawford Professor of Religion, Emeritus, from the University of Redlands, Redlands, CA, where he taught for 31 years. He holds a doctorate in theology (DTheol) from the University of Basel (Switzerland), where he studied with Oscar Cullman, Bo Reicke, and Karl Barth.

He is a member of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas and of the Society of Biblical Literature. He was a Fellow of the Jesus Seminar and for 12 years directed the Rhetorical New Testament Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity in Claremont, CA. Jim has presented papers at conferences not only throughout the US but also in England, Europe, and South Africa.

Topic: Returning to the theological roots of pastoral care "Jesus the Healer: The Peasant from Nazareth as Model for Chaplaincy"

Friday morning, October 31

D. Micah Hester, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Medical Humanities/Pediatrics and Clinical Ethicist, Division of Medical Humanities University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Arkansas Children's Hospital.

Topic: “Can't We All Just Get Along? – Considering the Ethics of Goods, Duties, and Virtues”

A call for workshop proposals will be coming soon.

Trinity Presbyterian Church
4501 Rahling RdLittle Rock, AR 72223
(501) 868-5848

Co-sponsored by:
Mississippi Chaplains Association
Arkansas Association of Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors
Little Rock Chapter of College of Pastoral Supervision & Psychotherapy
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Department of Pastoral Care and Clinical Pastoral Education

The College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy
Committed to Ongoing Theological Education and Reflection

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