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College of Pastoral Supervision And Psychotherapy National Clinical Training Seminar

I am so happy to announce our presenter for this National Clinical Training Seminar:Richard Sloan, Ph.D. is a professor of Behavioral Medicine at Columbia University. Last year he published a book entitled: Blind Faith, The Unholy Alliance of Religion and Medicine.

“Blind Faith gives readers the tools to understand when good medical science is subverted and, as important, how true religion is debased by bringing it into the laboratory.”

Dr. Sloan will talk about his book and open up the discussion to our community. For those who do not have the book, you may want to purchase it. “By showing how real science works, Sloan exposes the destructive forces at play when two very different domains- religion and medicine- meet.”
The Pastoral Report published Dr. Sloan's 2001 CPSP Plenary presentation, Religion, Spirituality and Medicine.

The NCTS is open to all members of the CPSP community. CPE Supervisors and Supervisors-In-Training are encouraged to attend. Equally true, Pastoral Psychotherapists and Pastoral Counselors as well as Clinical Chaplains will find the NCTS a significant resource for their personal and professional development.
For more information about the CPSP National Clinical Training Seminar, click here.

Francine Angel, NCTS Coordinator

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